Sunday, October 23, 2011

She's walking!!!

October 23, 2011
@ 7 pm

The day is finally here!! Shaila is now officially WALKING on the move!
 Walking all over the house and in circles she is so excited about it, 
when everyone claps for her she claps too. It was taking her a while because she was afraid to let 
go but now their is no stopping her. I guess im excited and a little sad to see her only getting bigger.
I say that ALL the time but it is the truth, I will always miss her as a baby but I am so happy to see 
her exploring the world as a toddler. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The first batch

Cake Pops

My first batch and I am so happy Sabrina was here to help me out.
They came out real good and I was even able to send some to Shaila's little friends at church.
The cake and rolling process was easy but I really need to buy the chocolate melting machine just so
my chocolate could stay at the right temperature, I hate watching it in the microwave so it will not burn.
We made white and pink ones with sprinkles.
I left some cake out to keep practicing because I might start getting some orders!! YAY!! :) 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shaila's Birthday Pictures

Our favorite

So we FINALLY were able to take Shaila's 1st birthday pictures this weekend. I am happy to say it was a difficult but successful task for us. With Shaila crawling everywhere and trying to take the camera from the photographer, we really enjoyed seeing her give the camera all of her lovely smiles. Everyday it amazes me how smart she is already, she waves at everyone she sees and she just adores all the attention she gets when we are out. Definitely different than me but I am glad she is so friendly, when she was younger I thought she would be more like me since she looks just like her dad, but no she is ALL him.  She enjoys being around other kids, she forgets i am there if their are kids to play with.

Now that she is trying to walk I notice how much other
All grown up
 kids influence her to try and get out there on her own, but I have to admit I still enjoy the feelings I get when she reaches out for my hand to help her walk around. Shaila already got invited to a birthday party on her own, grandma took her and as you all might guess she LOVED it, they had a pony!! She got to make her own little princess crown (it was a prince party) and play in the playhouse with the other little girls, birthday boy Ethan enjoyed playing with Shai too. After hearing about his party I am already starting to think about Shaila's 2nd birthday, definitely JUST FOR KIDS this time. Well I am happy I finally got these pictures out of the way with school work and the holidays coming up I feel as if I have so many things on my plate to juggle around but these are the moments i enjoy the most just sitting back and seeing how much she enjoys life makes me happy.