Monday, September 19, 2011

Next creation

Ice cream cake pops
I have been seeing these everywhere online, all the baking blogs or websites
I have come across these cute cakes too many times and now I must try to make them.
They seem semi easy to make..I have to read a little bit more on how I get them to look so cute.
Im better at making cupcakes but this just seems so fun to make..I know Shaila will enjoy watching me make them, and then eventually eating them. So sometime this week I will try to make them and post pictures of either my success or of me failing to get them to look as cute as the ones on this picture. 
wish me luck!! :) 

p.s if i get them to look good i will post the link of the website that helped me so that all 
of you could try this at home too.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Meet Shaila

My Princess <3

This is my wonderful baby girl, officially a year old now as of September 1st.
I have to admit it was a very hard and emotional time for me, to know that the new born  
I held just a year ago was now a growing, intelligent toddler.
 She is amazing in more ways than one,  everyday is an adventure in her eyes.
 Their is always something new to see and something new to discover, she now says Mama and Dadda, she even knows who Nikki our pup is. She has a huge personality and she is such a happy baby. I am soo deeply in love with this little red head, it's really unbelievable how everyday I fall even more. Yes, we have our bad days but her smile always makes up for the long nights or the throwing food back at my shirt. She makes me..happy. Every love song now has a different meaning because of her, now I look forward to spending days at the park not at the mall. She holds my heart in her hands and  although it makes me sad to see her get bigger and bigger by the makes me happy to know that she will ALWAYS be mine.